︎︎︎We edit, produce, curate & distribute
artist books & zines focussing on photography.

We are an independent small batch book and zine publishers; editing, producing, curating and distributing independent artist books & zines. Focussing on photography and allied contemporary means of storytelling, notions like memory, borders, migration, displacement and the mundane are topics at the heart of Farside’s work.

We also run an art-book store and a photo-lab from Leh.

We offer artist residencies, occasional workshops, zine shows and book shows in Leh. You are most welcome to visit our studio in Sankar; please call before dropping by, we might have gone to fetch fresh Kashmiri breads and paneer.  We love cats 🐈

browse our books and zines︎︎︎

Bad Photography Vol 1 
65 colour pages
17 cm x 22.5 cm
Artist: Various
First published in 2020
Edited and designed by
Farside Collective
& Anubhav Syal

A poor image is often not provocative, lacks character and is easily forgotten. Unused and forgotten, it is liberated from the burden of communicating its own substance”. BAD Photographs Vol. I is a collection of contributed images which the authors have judged “bad” for various reasons.

Waiting to absorb, there will be no trace

180 colour pages
29 cm x 42 cm
Artist: Haruka Fukao, Japan
(A-I-R at Farside) 2019
First published in 2019

Haruka Fukao from Japan, Swim Across Artist-in-residency September session 2019 collected numerous plants, seeds, flowers and plants around Leh for a tea ceremony. She said the mountains of Ladakh are very thirsty and she must do a tea ceremony. 
She selected a site near Shey, in the mountains for the ceremony. The book isa documentation of her process, venturing into poetry and her association with the mountains.

Lonely clouds

36 colour pages
18.5 cm x 27.5 cm
Artist: Debasish Borah
First published in 2020

The drifting clouds are like human nostalgia, floating. The publication is a series of photographs of isolated clouds, floating in the sky. The artist attempts to see clouds as an extension of human emotions and desires. 

Nostalgia of human minds are like drifting clouds

Floating in our thoughts
Thoughts of loved ones, of lost ones, of unknown ones

Nostalgia of loved ones
Lost ones
Unknown ones.
Nostalgia of unknown?

What if we have met? Met like regular people, walking under the clouds?
What if it rained that day? The day we met?
The lonely cloud would not have existed if it were to rain.

What if we met in the dark, a moonless night?
We would have not seen the lonely clouds
The land with Pakistani trees

75 colour pages
17.5 cm x 25 cm
Artist: Debasish Borah
First published in 2018,
3rd revised edition 2020

Turtuk is a village in Baltistan, a region shared by Pakistan and India, which exchanged hands from the former to the latter in 1971. Developed from the absurd idea that the trees of Turtuk have outlived the change of nationality, the photo-book tells the story of the people living on the frontiers of North-West India, the place where barbed wires of both nations lock horns.

Costumes d'époque

65 colour pages
21.5 cm x 28 cm
Artist: Hélène Thébault
First published in 2019

A visual investigation of Ladakhi youth clothing style. Acknowledging and celebrating the contemporary popular culture of Leh, the publication challenges the expected images of “unexplored paths” and “roads less travelled” often imprinted in collective imagination when evoking the place.
“Costumes d’époque” portrays this phenomena, challenging the esthetical codes of the expected Ladakh postcard with the reality.

एक सुहानी तुर्तुकी शाम, 
A Pleasent evening in Turtuk

40 colour pages
15 cm x 21 cm
Artist: Debasish Borah
First published in 2019

A photo-zine depicting a beatiful evening spent in Turtuk, northern Ladakh.

I dream of smoking in
Toba Tek Singh

36 B&W pages
19 cm x 24 cm
Artist: Debasish Borah
First published in 2018, 2nd revised edition 2020

The zine was initially published as part of “Everything is going according to plan” end of residency exhibition at SeMA Nanji (Seoul, South Korea, Sept. 2018). The zine questions the ideas of nation and nationalism, leaders, and partition of countries through objects, letters, photographs and documents found and created around stories of separation.

Institute of Daily Objects

20 B&W pages
15 cm x 21 cm
Artist: Debasish Borah
First published in 2017

The Institute of Daily Objects is an ongoing project. An attempt to celebrate the mundane, to reclaim the beauty of basic, simple objects of life which do not necessarily need to be put in a museum, objects which regular people use in everyday life. The Institute of Daily Objects aims to break this monopoly of “important” - people, events, objects, art, design and heritage - and reclaim the narrative for regular people and everyday objects.


26 B&W pages
15 cm x 21 cm
Artist: Hélène Thébault & Debasish Borah
First published in 2018

The zine borrows from forensic investigation methods, collecting, cataloguing and analysing pieces of evidence that seem to adhere to a mysterious narratives.

Beyond; Bi-annual theme based zine

pages variable
18 cm x 21 cm
Artist Variable
First published in 2017, currently 6th issue

Beyond is a Farside initiated bi-annual zine on art, culture, photography and travel. First started in 2017, the themed based zine is currently in its 6th issue.
Beyond 1 / Conflict • Beyond 2 / Home • Beyond 3 / Bureaucracy • Beyond 4/Delhi • Beyond 5 / Time • Beyond 6 (Upcoming)/ Birthday


26 B&W pages
15 cm x 21 cm
Artist: Hélène Thébault & Debasish Borah
First published in 2015

Randomly was delicately prepared to try to waste a bit of your time. In here you will find stories, they might have no beginning or no end. You will find pictures, sometimes for the subject, sometimes for the nice light, sometimes for no reason. You will find attempts, thoughts, interrogations, you will find lines running here and there, meeting in sketches, or whatever your curious eyes want to see. We think money kills interactions. If you want to read this zine, give us something in return. Something, whatever; be creative !

A good night sleep

48 colour pages
28 cm x 20 cm
Artist: V. Girish
First published in 2019

This book was conceptualised and produced during a micro-residency titled “Photo-construct” hosted by Farside Collective Foundation in Leh, Jammu & Kashmir, June 2019 with Anubhav Syal.

Girish worked with us creating an artist book titled “a good night sleep”.

He was surprised by the wires hanging all around Leh and his first response was to hide them. His photo-book is a series of “repaired” photos from Leh, moving towards visual transparency.

If you are looking to publish, edit, design or talk about an idea for a photo-book or a zine, get in touch at farsideindi@gmail.com 
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